

2006-08-23 作者:未知  





【人可以经由爱和智找到神】有人开哲学家的玩笑说:「哲学家就像一个瞎子在黑房中找一只黑猫。」这是暗示哲学永远不能解决问题,它最多只能发现问题,但却没有答案;它所找到的答案都是相对的,没有绝对的,找来找去,问题愈来愈多,答案愈来愈错。如果有一天,这个瞎子蒙了恩典,被神的灵感动,睁开心眼,正如黑猫在黑房中虽不容易找到,但猫的一双眼睛会发光,你只要循此追寻,虽不中亦不远矣。猫的双眼代表什么呢?英文「哲学」一词 Philosophy,是由两个希腊字 Philo()Sophia ()合成的,所以真正的哲学是爱与智的结合。从这个观点出发,人可以找到神,因为「神就是爱」(约壹四8),「敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端」(箴九10)。神就是爱和智的源头。─ 寇世远《谨慎之道》


【人如何真认识神】圣灵的「运行」就是神作到人里面去的工作,是神工作的第一步。当神起首在人里面运行时,在人这边也许是莫名其妙的,但一运行到成熟之时,人就有主观的认识,生命的感觉,或者说里面的看见,这就是启示与亮光。这一件事非常紧要,因为所有属灵真实长进的根基就在此,真认识神的道路就在此,神将祂的自己与人打成一片也是藉此。这一个可以说是人变成基督徒的真关键,是基督「教」的真精髓,也就是基督「教」与其它宗教的根本区别。─ 俞成华《生命的信息》







God’s KnowabilityTrying to explain God is like trying to explain a kiss. You can check the dictionary definition: “A caress with the lips; a gentle touch or contact.”

        But does that really capture the essence of what a kiss is? Dues that describe what a mother does when she tenderly places her lips on the forehead of her newborn child? Is that what the young lover does when he says good-night to his girl?

        Just as words cannot completely capture all that is involved in what we know by experience and attempt to describe as a “kiss,” we also cannot fully comprehend, explain, or define “God.” We can, however, know him through experiencing his revelation of himself to us in his Word and in the person of Jesus Christ.


God’s KnowabilityA farmer repeatedly invited a friend into his apple orchard to taste the fruit and make some fresh cider. But, just as often, the friend said, “No, I would rather not.”

        Finally, the farmer said, “I guess you are prejudiced against my apples.”

        “Well, to tell the truth, “ his friend said, “I have tasted a few of them and they are very sour.”

        The farmer then asked which apples his friend had eaten. “Why, those apples which fell along the road over your fence,” he replied.

        “Ah, yes,” said the farmer, “they are sour. I planted them to fool the boys who live around here. But, if you will come into the middle of my orchard, you will find a different taste.”

        On the edges of Christianity are some very sour apples—conviction, self-denial, and purity of life—which keep off hypocrites and mere professors. But in the middle of the orchard are delicious fruits, sweet and desirable. The nearer to God, the sweeter the joy.


God’s KnowabilityThe pagan world was always haunted by the unknowability of God. At best, men could but grope after his mystery. “It is hard,” said Plato, “to investigate and to find the framer and the father of the universe. And, if one did find him, it would be impossible to express him in terms which all could understand.” Aristotle spoke of God as the supreme cause, by all men dreamed of and by no man known. The ancient world did not doubt that there was a God or gods, but it believed that such gods as there might be were quite unknowable and only occasionally interested in mankind. In a world without Christ, God was a mystery and power, desirable but never known.


          1. 我们所要认识的对象


西 1:10; 彼后 1:2

                         b) 神的荣耀

2:14; 林后 4:6

                       c) 神的慈爱

约一 4:16

                       d) 神的救恩


                       e) 神的真道

提前 2:3-4; 提后 2:25; 10:26

                       f) 神的旨意

西 1:9

                        g) 基督

4:13; 3:10-11; 彼后 1:8

                        h) 圣经


                        i) 天国的奥秘

13:11; 8:10

           2. 命令人要认识神

22:32; 4:39, 7:9; 代上 28:9; 4:3, 46:10, 100:3; 3:5-6; 9:24; 6:6, 13:4; 彼后 3:18

            3. 应许人得以认识神

19:21, 54:13, 60:2-3; 24:7, 31:33-34; 2:19-20, 6:2-3; 2:14; 1:11

            4. 认识神的途径

                        a) 藉祷告蒙垂听


                        b) 藉神自己

林后 2:14, 4:6; 西 1:9-10

                        c) 藉神的道

王上 18:37; 7:25

                        d) 藉神的作为

6:6-7; 4:32-38, 29:2-6; 3:10-11; 王上 20:13, 28; 9:16, 19:1-2; 29:23; 1:20

                        e) 藉耶稣基督

8:12, 19, 10:14-15, 15:15, 17:25-26; 4:20-24; 约一 5:20

                        f) 藉圣灵

16:14-15; 1:17; 帖前 1:4-5; 约一 3:24, 4:13

                        g) 藉现世的事情


            5. 认识神者的素质

                        a) 关心敬虔的生活

41:11-12; 约一 2:3-6, 29

                        b) 愿意学习

33:12-13; 王下 3:7-11

                       c) 为有关神的知识辩护

6:8-10; 林后 10:5

                        d) 渴望更加认识神

6:3; 17:3; 4:11-13; 1:9-11, 3:8, 10-11; 彼后 1:5-6, 8

                        e) 表现出神的爱

约一 4:7-21

                        f) 认识到他们所知有限

71:15; 林前 13:12

                        g) 依靠神


           6. 认识神的价值

                       a) 使人确信他不变的慈爱


                       b) 使信徒得着他的赐福

彼后 1:2-3

                       c) 使人认清自己属灵的命运

林后 5:6, 8, 10

                       d) 使人产生属灵的安全感

20:6; 6:6-11; 林后 4:14; 提后 1:12; 约一 5:13

                        e) 使人赞美和敬拜他

135:5-7, 13, 139:14

                       f) 使人确信他的旨意

119:75, 140:12; 8:28

                       g) 帮助人抵挡邪恶


                       h) 使人敬畏神


                       i) 使人有指望得着他恒常的保护

9:10, 91:14

                        j) 使人与他建立亲密的关系

17:1, 6-9; 4:8-9; 约一 2:23, 4:15

                       k) 使信徒更新变化

4:13; 西 3:9-10; 1:1-2



{/Section:TopicID=511}        G. 神的可知与不可知

{/Section:TopicID=512}              1. 可循不同途径认识神

{/Section:TopicID=513}                   a) 藉神的主动

{/ShowRefList} 3:8-9; 33:17; 1:5; 11:27; 1:19; 4:8-9; 1:17; 约一 5:20

{/Section:TopicID=514}                   b) 藉神的作为

{/ShowRefList} 7:5, 9:29; 4:34-35, 6:21-22; 3:10-11; 46:8-10, 66:5-7, 77:10-15, 98:2, 103:7, 111:2-7; 10:25-30, 14:11

{/Section:TopicID=515}                   c) 藉与神的交往

{/ShowRefList} 10:14-15, 17:3; 林前 2:9-16; 西 1:10; 彼前 1:8; 约一 1:3, 4:12-16

{/Section:TopicID=516}                   d) 藉人的直觉

{/ShowRefList} 3:11; 1:19-20, 28, 32, 2:14-15

{/Section:TopicID=517}                   e) 藉大自然的秩序

{/ShowRefList} 8:1-9, 19:1-6; 40:25-26

{/Section:TopicID=518}              2. 神是可接近的

{/ShowRefList} 24:9-11; 4:7; 17:15, 24:3-4, 27:4, 34:8, 43:3, 65:4, 145:18-19; 55:3; 9:23-24, 31:34; 5:8, 6:6; 17:3; 14:27, 17:24-27; 5:1-2; 2:13, 17-18; 西 1:21-22; 7:18-19, 25, 11:6; 4:8; 彼前 3:18; 约一 3:2; 22:17

{/Section:TopicID=519}              3. 神是不能理解的

{/ShowRefList} 9:10-11, 11:7-9, 23:8-9, 26:14, 33:13-14, 36:26, 37:5, 23; 92:5, 139:1-6, 145:3; 30:4; 3:11, 11:5; 40:13, 28, 55:8-9; 1:18; 11:33-34; 林前 2:10-11, 16; 约一 4:12

{/LinkToBook:TopicID=562,Name=L. 上帝是全能的}

{/Section:TopicID=520}        H. 神的荣耀就是他的本体

{/ShowRefList} 15:11, 24:17, 40:34-35; 9:23; 14:21; 5:24; 王上 8:11; 代上 16:24; 9:5; 8:1, 19:1, 29:1-2, 63:2, 96:8, 111:3, 138:4-5; 6:1-4, 42:8, 58:8, 60:1-2, 66:18-19; 2:14; 2:7; 2:5; 2:9, 14; 17:22; 6:4; 林后 4:6; 1:3; 彼后 1:17; 21:23

{/Section:TopicID=521}        I. 神的伟大

{/ShowRefList} 3:24, 10:17, 32:3-4; 撒下 7:22; 王上 8:42; 代上 16:25, 29:10-13; 1:5, 8:6; 33:12; 48:1, 77:13, 95:3, 96:4, 104:1, 135:5-7, 138:5, 145:3-6, 150:2; 12:6; 32:18; 1:11; 10:29; 6:13; 约一 3:20, 4:4



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