一个神学家必须冒险地说﹕「只有那些在神学上已经作了功课的人﹐纔是站在山上﹐居高临下地检视整个教会生活与基督教学术世界。那些在山下埋头于他们自己专业的工作里﹐而又没有足够的神学知识让他们到山顶来看一看 – 他们常常不知道自己在作什么﹔他们常常不知道自己缺少了什么。」
And I think we have lost more than we have gained, by taking this assumption so seriously for the last 50 years. If my New Testament colleagues were here, they would probably challenge that. But they wouldn’t be challenging it from the position I occupy. I am a theologian. … And I look to the biblical scholars from my standpoint as a theologian. I try to assess what they are doing from my standpoint as a theologian. I want help from them. And I do notice it, if from time to time they are so possessed by assumptions that are central and decisive in their own fraternity … – that they cannot in fact do the exegesis right, in a way that I can draw from my theology.
A theologian does take the risk of saying, “Look, only those who have done some theological homework do actually stand on the hill, from which you can survey the whole scene of church life and Christian study. Those who are down on the bottom of the hill working in a particular area, and don’t know enough theology to come up the hill and look at things from the top of the hill – they don’t always realize what they are doing; they don’t always realize what they are missing.”
你可能不赞同我的看法。可能会说﹐「嗨﹐你只不过是在将你的神学家地位自我膨胀而已。每一个人都会说﹐他所作的是最重要的啦﹗」那当然。虽然如此﹐各位朋友们﹐我还是要这样说﹐并邀请你回去好好想一下。这个(文化差异)不是天大的问题﹐虽然那些专业的解经家都会异口同声的说﹐很重要﹗…我会对他们说﹐「伙子们﹐你们看不见一些东西﹗你们在注意一些你不应该注意的事﹐采取一个次要的立场 – 因而阻止了你们 (对《圣经》) 的了解﹗你们认为这 (文化差异) 是最重要的问题﹔其实它不是如此。」
Now you may not wish to endorse that opinion. You may say, “That’s just a theologian magnifying his office. Everybody is going to say that what he does is the most important thing.” Of course they are. Nevertheless friends, I am going to say it, and invite you to go away and think about it.
This is not a matter of major importance, although the professional exegetes probably would one unanimous voice say that it was. And … I would say, “Chaps, you are missing something! You are stunting your own understanding by paying attention which you really ought not to be paying, to a position which is of secondary and minimal importance. You are treating it as if it is a major matter, and it isn’t.”
…I am not saying that all evangelical theological seminaries see this the way I have just said it, because they don’t.
(J.I. Packer, Puritan Theology for Today, Regent College course tape, 1992. Question and answer period.)
亲爱读者﹐你相信每段的《圣经》都有永恒﹐不变的教导 /意义吗﹖笔者再强调﹐不是你我自己对《圣经》的解释﹐乃是《圣经》本身里﹐有一套真理系统。
巴刻在上面所强调的是﹕其实《圣经》学者常常把我们(读者)与《圣经》原来的历史文化处境之间的隔阂过份夸大。其实这个历史文化上的「建桥工程」 (bridge building) 并没有圣经学者说得那么可怕﹐那么须要专家来主持。
一个神学家必须冒险地说﹕「只有那些在神学上已经作了功课的人﹐纔是站在山上﹐居高临下地检视整个教会生活与基督教学术世界。那些在山下埋头于他们自己专业的工作里﹐而又没有足够的神学知识让他们到山顶来看一看 – 他们常常不知道自己在作什么﹔他们常常不知道自己缺少了什么。」
And I think we have lost more than we have gained, by taking this assumption so seriously for the last 50 years. If my New Testament colleagues were here, they would probably challenge that. But they wouldn’t be challenging it from the position I occupy. I am a theologian. … And I look to the biblical scholars from my standpoint as a theologian. I try to assess what they are doing from my standpoint as a theologian. I want help from them. And I do notice it, if from time to time they are so possessed by assumptions that are central and decisive in their own fraternity … – that they cannot in fact do the exegesis right, in a way that I can draw from my theology.
A theologian does take the risk of saying, “Look, only those who have done some theological homework do actually stand on the hill, from which you can survey the whole scene of church life and Christian study. Those who are down on the bottom of the hill working in a particular area, and don’t know enough theology to come up the hill and look at things from the top of the hill – they don’t always realize what they are doing; they don’t always realize what they are missing.”
你可能不赞同我的看法。可能会说﹐「嗨﹐你只不过是在将你的神学家地位自我膨胀而已。每一个人都会说﹐他所作的是最重要的啦﹗」那当然。虽然如此﹐各位朋友们﹐我还是要这样说﹐并邀请你回去好好想一下。这个(文化差异)不是天大的问题﹐虽然那些专业的解经家都会异口同声的说﹐很重要﹗…我会对他们说﹐「伙子们﹐你们看不见一些东西﹗你们在注意一些你不应该注意的事﹐采取一个次要的立场 – 因而阻止了你们 (对《圣经》) 的了解﹗你们认为这 (文化差异) 是最重要的问题﹔其实它不是如此。」
Now you may not wish to endorse that opinion. You may say, “That’s just a theologian magnifying his office. Everybody is going to say that what he does is the most important thing.” Of course they are. Nevertheless friends, I am going to say it, and invite you to go away and think about it.
This is not a matter of major importance, although the professional exegetes probably would one unanimous voice say that it was. And … I would say, “Chaps, you are missing something! You are stunting your own understanding by paying attention which you really ought not to be paying, to a position which is of secondary and minimal importance. You are treating it as if it is a major matter, and it isn’t.”
…I am not saying that all evangelical theological seminaries see this the way I have just said it, because they don’t.
(J.I. Packer, Puritan Theology for Today, Regent College course tape, 1992. Question and answer period.)
亲爱读者﹐你相信每段的《圣经》都有永恒﹐不变的教导 /意义吗﹖笔者再强调﹐不是你我自己对《圣经》的解释﹐乃是《圣经》本身里﹐有一套真理系统。
巴刻在上面所强调的是﹕其实《圣经》学者常常把我们(读者)与《圣经》原来的历史文化处境之间的隔阂过份夸大。其实这个历史文化上的「建桥工程」 (bridge building) 并没有圣经学者说得那么可怕﹐那么须要专家来主持。
【作者简介】 林慈信Samuel Ling 是一位牧师、美国天普大学中国历史博士。「中华展望」创办人与总干事。曾授课于富勒神学院,威斯敏斯特神学院与惠敦大学。他是史学家、神学家和传教学家,他致力于探索影响中国教会和牧养的重大问题。近年来一直向华人教会讲授改革宗神学,并主持翻译相关经典著作。 林慈信祖籍浙江慈溪,于1951年在香港出生,是家里第四代的传道人,在一所敬虔的神学院校园里渡过了人生的头十四年。父母亲是神学院与中学的教师。
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