

2006-08-15 作者:未知  







【为何神是永不改变的】祂是永不改变的,这就是说,祂从来没有改变过,也不会有任何一点顶小的改变。若是有改变,就是说祂必须由好的变为不好的,或由不好的变为好的,但祂不能有任何一种的改变。祂既是完全的,就不能够变为更完全;若是祂会变为更不完全的,那祂本来就不够成为「神」。祂是无所不知的神,这就是说,祂一下子很自由而不费力地知道一切的物、一切的灵、一切关系、一切事情。在祂没有过去,也没有将来。─ 陶恕《渴慕神》


Attributes of GodOne of the greatest books written on the nature of God was by Stephen Charnock. In it he observed that “the fountain of…evil practices (is) a denial or doubting of some of the rights of His nature.” And “…when men deny the God of purity, they must needs be polluted in soul and body”

        It is for this reason that all believers ought to have a deep and thorough knowledge of God’s attributes.


Eternality of GodTime is often represented by a straight line drawn on a page. We call this a time line. To get a grasp of what the eternality of God means, when you have drawn your time line you must picture God as the whole page on which the line is drawn.


God’s GloryGod’s ‘glory is how we describe the sum effect of all of his attributes. Grace, truth, goodness, mercy, justice, knowledge, power, eternality—all that he is. Therefore, the glory of God is intrinsic, that is, it is as essential to God as light is to the sun, as blue is to the sky, as wet is to water. You don’t make the sun light; it is light. You don’t make the sky blue; it is blue. You don’t make water wet; it is wet. In all of these cases, the attribute is intrinsic to the object.

        In contrast, man’s glory is granted to him. If you take a king and take off all his robes and crowns and give him only a rag to wear and leave him on the streets for a few weeks, when put next to a beggar you’ll only glory a king has is when you give him a crown and a robe and sit him on his throne. He has no intrinsic glory.

        That’s the point. The only glory that men have is granted to them. The glory that is God’s is his in his essence. You can’t de-glory God because glory is his nature. You can’t touch his glory. It cannot be taken away. It cannot be added to. It’s his being.


God’s GloryAlmost everything said of God is unworthy, for the very reason that it is capable of being said” --Pope Gregory the Great


God’s GloryIn 1715, Louis XIV of France died. Louis, who called himself “the Great,” was the monarch who made the infamous statement “I am the State!” His court was the most magnificent in Europe, and his funeral was spectacular. His body lay in a golden coffin. To dramatize the deceased king’s greatness, orders had been given that the cathedral should be very dimly lighted, with only one special candle set above his coffin. Thousands waited in hushed silence. The Bishop Massilon began to speak. Slowly reaching down, he snuffed out the candle, saying, “Only God is great!”


God’s InvisibilityArt Linkletter saw a small boy drawing a picture. He inquired, “What are you drawing?” The small boy replied, “A picture of God.”

        Linkletter told the lad that no one knows what God looks like, to which the boy confidently responded, “They will when I get through.”


        A. 神是单一的(独一的)

15:11; 4:35, 39, 6:4, 32:39; 撒下 7:22; 王上 8:60; 86:10; 42:8, 44:6, 45:5-6; 2:27; 14:9; 5:44, 17:3; 林前 8:4-6; 3:20; 4:5-6; 提前 1:17, 2:5, 6:15; 2:19

        B. 神是有怜悯的

33:19, 34:6; 30:2-3; 王下 13:23; 代下 30:9; 9:17; 86:15, 102:13, 103:2, 4, 13, 145:8-9; 49:10, 63:7; 12:15; 3:22; 2:19; 2:18; 4:2; 7:18-19; 林后 1:3; 5:11

        C. 神是永活的

21:33; 32:40, 33:27; 代上 16:36; 9:5; 36:26; 29:10, 33:11, 41:13, 45:6, 48:14, 90:1-2, 4, 93:2, 102:25-27; 26:4, 40:28, 41:4, 44:6, 57:15; 5:19; 4:34; 1:12, 3:6; 1:20, 16:26; 林前 2:7; 1:4; 提前 1:17, 6:15-16; 1:10-12; 彼后 3:8; 1:8, 4:8-9

       D. 神是信实和可靠的

34:6; 7:9, 32:4; 撒下 7:28; 王上 8:56; 代下 6:15; 25:10, 33:4, 36:5, 57:3, 86:15, 89:2, 91:4, 92:1-3, 100:5, 115:1, 138:8, 146:6; 25:1, 49:7; 3:22-23; 2:19; 林前 1:9, 10:13; 林后 1:18-20; 帖前 5:23-24; 帖后 3:3; 提后 2:13; 10:23; 彼前 4:19; 约一 1:9

        E. 神是善的

1:31; 33:19; 代下 5:13, 6:41, 30:18-19; 25:7-8, 31:19, 34:8, 52:9, 73:1, 84:11, 100:5, 106:1, 107:1, 118:1, 119:68, 135:3, 145:7, 9, 15-16; 33:10-11; 3:25; 鸿 1:7; 5:45, 7:11, 19:17; 10:18; 14:17; 8:32; 帖后 1:11; 1:5, 17; 彼后 1:3

        F. 神是有恩典的

34:6; 王下 13:23; 代下 30:9; 9:8; 9:17, 31; 86:15, 111:4, 116:5, 145:9; 30:18; 2:13; 4:2; 11:5-6; 林后 9:8, 12:9; 1:6-7, 2:7; 西 1:6; 帖后 2:16-17; 提后 1:8-9; 2:11-13; 4:16; 4:6; 彼前 4:10, 5:10, 12

        G. 神是圣洁的

15:11; 11:44-45; 32:4; 24:19; 撒上 2:2, 6:20; 代上 16:10; 6:10; 5:4, 18:30, 22:3, 30:4, 92:15; 9:10; 6:3, 40:25, 43:15, 52:10, 57:15; 39:7; 11:9; 1:13; 1:49; 17:11; 12:10, 28-29; 1:13-14; 彼前 1:15-16; 约一 1:5; 4:8, 6:10

        H. 神是不偏待人的

10:17; 代下 19:7; 34:19, 36:5; 5:45; 10:34-35; 2:6, 11, 10:12; 2:6; 6:9; 西 3:25; 3:17; 彼前 1:17

        I. 神是公平的

34:6-7; 32:4; 代下 12:6; 9:33; 34:17-30; 33:5, 13-15, 36:6, 45:6, 58:11, 96:13, 97:2, 140:12; 30:18, 61:8; 18:4; 3:5; 25:21; 18:7-8; 17:31; 1:32, 2:7, 3:25-26; 帖后 1:8; 约一 1:9; 16:5-6

       J. 神是爱

34:6-7; 7:6-8, 13, 10:15, 18, 23:5; 代上 16:34; 7:17; 32:10, 36:7, 42:8, 59:17, 63:3, 86:5, 103:17, 106:1, 107:1, 8, 43, 136:1-5, 26, 138:2, 8, 145:8, 17, 146:8; 38:17; 31:3, 33:11; 2:13; 4:2; 1:2; 3:17; 3:16, 5:20, 14:23, 16:27, 17:24; 5:8, 8:38-39; 林后 13:11; 2:4-5; 3:4-5; 12:6; 约一 3:1, 4:7-11; 21

        K. 神是怜恤∕恩待人的

33:19; 4:31, 13:17-18; 9:31; 25:6, 78:38; 55:7, 63:9; 3:12; 3:22-23; 9:9; 7:18; 1:16; 1:50, 6:35-36, 18:10, 13-14; 9:16, 23, 11:30-32; 2:4; 4:16; 5:11; 彼前 1:3; 21

        L. 神是全能的

17:1, 18:14; 9:16, 15:6; 4:24; 撒上 14:6; 42:2; 93:4, 111:6, 115:3, 135:5-6; 14:24-27, 44:24, 45:11-13, 46:4; 32:17-23, 27; 19:26; 14:36; 1:37; 4:24-31; 4:20-21; 1:11; 4:8, 19:6

        M. 神是无所不在的

16:13; 2:7, 4:7; 王上 8:27; 46:1, 139:7-10, 17-18, 145:18; 66:1; 23:23-24; 28:20; 17:24, 27-28; 4:13

        N. 神是全知的

6:5; 3:7; 王上 8:39; 王下 19:27; 代下 16:9; 9:4, 12:13, 28:12-28, 37:16; 7:9, 33:13-15, 94:11, 104:24, 139:1-10, 147:4-5; 3:19-20, 5:21, 15:3, 11; 31:2, 40:28, 44:7-10, 24-28, 46:9-11; 10:7, 12, 17:10; 11:5; 2:20-22; 6:8, 32, 10:29-30; 1:24-25, 2:23, 15:8, 17-18; 11:33, 16:25-27; 林前 1:18, 21, 24-25, 2:7; 1:7-8, 3:10; 4:13; 1:5, 3:17; 约一 3:19; 7:12

         O. 神是宽容和长久忍耐的

34:6-7; 14:18; 9:17; 78:38, 103:8, 10; 7:13; 11:7; 11:9; 鸿 1:3; 23:37; 13:18; 2:4, 3:25, 9:22, 15:5; 彼前 3:20; 彼后 3:9, 15

         P. 神是公义的

18:25; 9:15; 4:17, 37:23; 7:9, 11:7, 25:8, 33:4-5, 36:6, 89:14, 92:12-15, 98:2, 119:137, 142, 129:4, 145:7, 17; 28:17, 45:21; 9:24, 12:1; 9:7, 14; 14:9; 3:5; 17:25; 1:17, 3:21; 提后 4:8

        Q. 神是自存的

3:14; 32:40; 43:10, 44:6; 10:10; 5:26; 17:24-25; 11:36; 西 1:16

        R. 神是诚实∕真实的

23:19; 撒上 15:29; 12:6, 26:3, 31:5, 33:4, 40:10, 43:3, 86:11, 132:11; 45:19, 65:16; 10:10; 9:13; 3:33, 7:28, 8:26, 14:16-17, 17:3, 17; 1:25, 3:4, 15:8; 1:2; 6:18; 约一 5:20-21; 6:10, 15:3

        S. 神是不改变的

18:25; 23:19-20; 撒上 15:29; 撒下 22:31; 王上 8:56; 23:13-14; 33:11, 102:26-27, 103:17; 19:21; 3:14; 14:24, 31:2, 46:9-10; 3:6; 24:35; 5:17; 4:28; 林后 1:20; 6:17-18; 1:17

        T. 神独立自主(主权)

24:3; 4:39; 撒上 2:6-8; 撒下 7:28; 王下 19:15; 9:12, 41:11; 24:1, 10, 50:10-12, 75:6-7, 95:3-5, 99:1, 115:3, 135:6, 146:10; 3:14, 9:1; 45:9, 46:10, 61:1, 11; 18:6; 5:19; 4:35, 6:26; 1:14; 6:9-10, 11:25-26; 19:11; 4:24-28; 14:11; 1:11, 4:6; 1:3; 4:12; 1:5-6

        U. 神施慈爱

{/ShowRefList} 15:13; 6:4, 18:50, 89:30-34, 103:8-10; 27:2-5, 54:7-8, 57:16, 63:7; 9:24, 31:3; 16:42; 11:9; 7:8; 6:35; 2:4, 11:22; 2:6-7; 3:4-5



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